Color Theory

Evoking clients’ emotions is one of the sweetest fruits that a project can bear.

Color is a powerful way to pull on the heart strings of any viewer. Unparalleled Eye Designs orchestrates outside of the box when theorizing color palettes for a space—the results are organic and distinctive. Paint creates high impact in a simplistic way; it also accentuates the personality and mood of a space.

This gallery highlights the more bold face of the color spectrum. Neutrals receive love too, in fact, Noel has a term called “conversational neutrals” which is the idea of establishing a dynamic space in the absence of color.

Glass Abstract, Waldorf, MD

Full bodied, deep wine shades drench the  walls of this foyer.  Labradorite inspired blue art, set in glass offers another focal point—those crossing this threshold are sure to be captivated.

Coral Collective, Upper NW, DC

A fresh, breezy air seems to grace this multi functional living space.  The soft harmony of colors gives a sense that the ocean exist right outside the window.  Ikat patterns and original art from Cuba created an ethnic authenticity. 

Brookland Conference Room

Signature color continued—the sharp art etching against the black accent wall can awaken team members and stimulate ideas